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2nd BJJ Seminar Successfully Completed

Trinidad and Tobago Budokai on May 11th hosted its second Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Seminar for 2019. "Share and Grow the Arts - BJJ Seminar" was organized by T&T Budokai Head Instructor John Ramirez and hosted Canada based Joslins Mixed Martial Arts / Alliance Jiu Jitsu Team Black Belt Dave Mark and Freestyle Wrestling Coach Darek Wasowicz.

Techniques covered included: Self defense techniques, Takedowns and techniques from the ground. The seminar started with Mr. Mark showing various takedowns, gi grips and transitions to various submissions used in BJJ.

Mr. Wasowicz who has over 30 years experience in freestyle wrestling as a competitor and coach in Poland and now currently coaches in Canada covered several wrestling takedowns and defenses.

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